Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Food Review & Friends


Knetter Lolly's

Upon trying to find a good popsicle at the Albert Heijn these treats looked good, Knetter Lolly's. From the box impression they look like these big strawberry sherbert Popsicles dipped in multi-colored sprinkles. The reality of the situation is that these are not nearly as good as they look. They are very small, have some sort of sherbert on the inside (maybe strawberry? maybe cherry? either way not good) and those sprinkles are actually pop rocks. Pop rocks are typically a good candy there is nothing more fun then having that sensation in your mouth, however, these pop rocks are soggy and do not taste good on a sherbert Popsicle. The combination of the sherbert and the pop rocks creates an over done, way too sweet, soggy catastrophe. D- (worst)

Since the Knetter Lolly's did not work out, the search for a good Popsicle continued. In the picture above we can see two types of treats: Vrieslollies Sucettes a Congeler and FestiniPopsicles. The Vrieslollies reminds me of the classic multi flavored ice pops you can buy in bulk and then freeze and enjoy. While these Vrieslollies did have a purple, orange, red, and a yellow selection, none of them tasted like the flavors you would assume they would. The problem is that I don't even know what they tasted like, some mixture of flavors which were very gross. They are sitting in the freezer not being touched. One day I found the Festini Strawberry pops. I figured you can not go wrong with a basic real fruit Popsicle, and my friends that is the truth. These are delicious and thoroughly enjoyable. From here on out I'm sticking with the basics!
Vrieslollies Sucettes a Congeler=D (not better, but not the worst)
Festini Strawberry Popsicles Strawberry
=A+ (by far the best)

Matzah Crackers

I had to add these Matzah crackers to the blog. After purchasing a spreadable cheese one wants something to spread it on, naturally I think of crackers. In the cracker isle there happened to be these Matze Crackers. I thought these were actual Matzah crackers like the Matzah that I eat during Passover. Dave and I did not believe this was true. Why would the Dutch want to eat this bland cracker? Sure enough, it is definitely Matzah. Too funny, never would have thought this would be found here and stocked all the time! I can not really grade this cracker because I have Matzah every passover.


Albert Heijn has something new they give out every couple of months with purchase of 10 euro or more. Since I have been here puzzle pieces were given out to complete a "football game" puzzle. Now that is over and its time to collect all 15 characters from Sneeuwwitje en de 7 dwergen. These are my first characters up above, the friendly turtle and squirrel washing clothes on his stomach.

What are your neighbors like? Our apartment is surrounded by several other houses, apartments, restaurants, etc. The one neighbor who really has me curious is the bird that lives next door. I can never completely see him to know what he is. All I know is that he is always out there perched in the corner of his cage.

I discovered another neighbor today, there is this cage on top of one of the roofs. I have no idea what its for and what lives in there! Time will tell.

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