Friday, 16 October 2009

Wendi's First Food Review

Fries with mayonnaise and onion

I'm proud to present my first food review. I have been doing a lot of cooking, so I have not been eating anything out of the ordinary, until now! You walk around Holland and you see these "snack walls" or "snackbars." What are these? These are places where you can get fast food. I'm not one for fried food, but every now and then I like to indulge. I decided to try something I have been wanting to for a while, fries with mayonnaise and onion.

Fries are typically served with mayonnaise or a lower-fat version called fritessaus. Other sauce options include; satay sauce (peanut sauce), ketchup, speciaal (a mixture of chopped onions, fritessaus, and ketchup), Patatje Oorlog (Dutch for French Fries War, which is french fries with a variety of sauces differing from region to region or snackbar to snackbar). Dutch snackbars usually have around 8 condiment options. Fries are not only limited to being purchased at snackbars, they are also served as a side dish. I really enjoyed these fries and I especially enjoyed my combination. The original thought of mayonnaise on my fries was unappealing to me. I only want to see and eat mayonnaise on my sandwich. Now I have a new love for this treat. The onions give the combination that extra flavor you need to make it all come together. A+

Prince Cake & Choc

I was in the mood for something with chocolate and these Cake & Choc Duo's were on sale. After reading Dave's previous blogs about Prince treats and knowing I see this brand advertised a lot on TV, I decided what the heck? After dinner I tried one of these little treats. It is basically a fun size marble cake with sprinkled nuts on top. I liked it because it was not overwhelming or too sweet. I think it did what I needed it to do for my sweet tooth, however it was nothing crazy, amazing, or that I would crave again. B

My Pretty Flowers

Lastly, I felt like showing off the pretty flowers Dave got for me from the market. They were beautiful.

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