The Grote Markt, kind of a central plaze in the heart of Breada. you can see part of the big church that sits downtown in the back.
Happy Valentines Day Wendi
Hi everyone, this is going to be a short post, just wanted to post some pictures of the city that I have been promising since day one. You can chalk the delay up to two main reasons (1) The weather (2) My fear of being discovered as an outsider by taking pictures.
I would like to add some details on the Grote Markt. This is great spot to get a nice afternoon coffee, sit outside, and watch the people move throughout the city. Its full of cafes, pubs, restaurants, a bike shop, several other little shops, and of course a bakery or two. The church in its center seems to be the central hub of the city, with roads twisting in every direction from it. One other thing to add about the Grote Markt is its a very different place Saturday night. This spot would be filled with groups of people, going to the different pubs located around this area. The pubs are nice, but the drinking age is 16 here, so its very strange seeing high school kids drinking a pint in the bar. Even stranger is the fact that you cannot drive until your 18, which I kindda agree with (I was a terrible driver at 16) Ok, I hope everyone has a good weekend.
I would like to add some details on the Grote Markt. This is great spot to get a nice afternoon coffee, sit outside, and watch the people move throughout the city. Its full of cafes, pubs, restaurants, a bike shop, several other little shops, and of course a bakery or two. The church in its center seems to be the central hub of the city, with roads twisting in every direction from it. One other thing to add about the Grote Markt is its a very different place Saturday night. This spot would be filled with groups of people, going to the different pubs located around this area. The pubs are nice, but the drinking age is 16 here, so its very strange seeing high school kids drinking a pint in the bar. Even stranger is the fact that you cannot drive until your 18, which I kindda agree with (I was a terrible driver at 16) Ok, I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Happy Valentines Day to you too! I miss you so much. Just to let everyone know Dave had flowers sent to my work & it was really sweet.